Sunday, March 10, 2013


Dear Dominic,

9 months old already. Yesterday you were 9 months old. This year is flying by in a blur.

You are a joy, my baby boy. You've gone from the frowniest baby to the smiliest. With the sweetest little dimple in your left cheek. You're a blusher. Smily, coy and shy. And bald. We can't forget bald. Don, Zac and Alix call you Baldwin. Alix also calls you 'Dominicky'. She's very taken with you lately and you with her.

You've been commando crawling for a few months now. You slither across our wooden floors at a rate. If we're outside, or somewhere with rough floors, you'll get up on all fours, but you seem to prefer the efficiency of the slither.

In the last 3 weeks, you've begun pulling yourself up on everything. Standing up and getting into everything. So very proud of yourself.

You are such a laid back, happy baby, I sometimes feel that we're neglecting you. You're happy to play on your own for a but if we need to get things done. You say "mama" but I don't think it's necessarily referring to me. Maybe it is.

You're still waking up at night. Not for long, but either at 1.30 or 3.30 you get up. I nurse you for a minute, literally, and you go happily back into your bed to sleep. So I'm not sure what it's all about. A habit, I guess? Hoping we can cut it out soon, so this month how about working on that for mum, please?

My sweet, sweet boy with your 2 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth. Mummy loves you like you wouldn't believe.

Wishing you a quick recovery from your latest cold/runny nose.

All my love always,

Monday, January 21, 2013


"Now I'm sure you've had times when you've felt down or angry,
Wanted to lash out, punch a wall and be manly,
But the question I pose now will offer you a plan B,
And maybe some peace and quiet for your friends and family,
How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood,
And then just good mood?
That's all I have to say because it's a straight up fact,
You control your emotions it's as simple as that."

Lyrics from Scroobius Pip vs Dan Le Sac song "Waiting for the beat to kick in"

Never heard the song but the message is brilliant. Very true.

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