Letters from the heart to my kids, husband and loved ones. 'Ndinombethe' - an African proverb which loosely translated means 'As I go I am wearing you.' I heard the phrase years ago and it has stuck with me - As I go through life, everyone I meet leaves an indelible impression on me, somewhere, somehow.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
"Mussin hit people"
It took me straight back to Barbados when you were 3 years old. I slapped you on your hand and you immediately responded, with a pouty face ... "Mussin hit people"
Guess my lessons were getting through to you.
You sure kept me on my toes my precious boy!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from bmobile.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Time Flies
Dear Dominic,
It's way too early (I think - amazing how quickly we forget) but you rolled over this morning. I left you on your tummy in your pack n play but you apparently didn't want to sleep so you 'called me' and I found you on your back!! You are only 7 weeks old, or did you not get the memo??
You're a sweet baby. Starting to smile already too. For the most part you're very content, but your tummy gives you a little trouble sometimes which makes it hard for you to sleep.
You gave me 3 nights in a row with 6 hours of sleep but then regressed a bit. But last night you gave me 4-5 hours straight. I'm very proud of you. Now you just need to figure out how to fall back asleep quickly. Some nights we are up for 2 to 4 hours in the rocking chair.
Sleep deprivation aside, you have stolen my heart. Those beautiful blue eyes make me melt when you look at me, even at 3 am.
I can't wait to see the boy you're going to grow in to.
With all my love
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Rolling Over
It's way too early (I think - amazing how quickly we forget) but you rolled over this morning. I left you on your tummy in your pack n play but you apparently didn't want to sleep so you 'called me' and I found you on your back!! You are only 7 weeks old, or did you not get the memo??
You're a sweet baby. Starting to smile already too. For the most part you're very content, but your tummy gives you a little trouble sometimes which makes it hard for you to sleep.
You gave me 3 nights in a row with 6 hours of sleep but then regressed a bit. But last night you gave me 4-5 hours straight. I'm very proud of you. Now you just need to figure out how to fall back asleep quickly. Some nights we are up for 2 to 4 hours in the rocking chair.
Sleep deprivation aside, you have stolen my heart. Those beautiful blue eyes make me melt when you look at me, even at 3 am.
I can't wait to see the boy you're going to grow in to.
With all my love
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from bmobile.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
My best boy
You have grown so much over the last year that I already grieve for the loss of my little boy. Before I know it you'll be a man. I see you transitioning back and forth between boy and teenager almost daily.. Sometimes moody and other times boisterous, hyper and child-like.
You are an amazing big brother!! Though I always knew you would be. Alix adores you. You're a great help with her, especially at bath and bedtime. I think for the first 4 months that we lived here in this rental house you bathed her every night for me.
Naturally, you don't have much staying power when it comes to playing with her but you're a typical boy in that way.
You continue to blow my mind with your artwork, most recently when you made me buy you a set of spray paints and you mastered a technique on your first attempt, producing a piece of work in 5 minutes. You proved me wrong because I'd said to you "spray painting isn't as easy as you think". Boy was I wrong!
My boy, you must know that the piece of my heart which belongs to you is particularly large. You mean the world to me and always have. We've been through a lot of changes together and grown together. You made me into a mother and I couldn't be happier to have you as my son!!
I love you to eternity.
Love always
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from bmobile.
Growing up
You are growing so fast and I haven't been recording nearly as much as I should. You're almost 19 months old and for the past 3 months you've been speaking at a level I'm convinced is very advanced (but I may be biased).
You continue to amaze us all. We spent Easter weekend in Tobago but Zac was in Trinidad with Talmas. By the time he came home he hadn't seen you in 2 weeks. He was blown away:
"So, what?? She just decided she was going to start speaking?"
You make sentences. You make sense. It's easier to know what you want.
Some of my favourites:
"Mama, go owside"
"Night night (laying your head on the floor then as you sit up) woke up"
Every bug you find inside you tell us that it has to "go owside"
Animal names and noises are a cinch for you - "gouti" "puppy" "rocko""sasson" (sampson) "ailah - (lilah) "zozo" (zoe)
You have a love affair going with Ezra "ezra, ezzie"
"Tactor" (tractor)
"Pond tappole" (tadpoles in the pond)
If I call you, sometimes you respond "comin"
Your colours - ellow, red, boo, purple, geeen, onge (you can identify the colours but if I ask you "what colour is that" you always answer "red")
There's so much more you know I can't list it all.
You've started calling Cath 'cassryn' because that's what Don calls her.
You love your "Zaccy" most of all and shower him with kisses and 'uggs' when you help me to wake him up in the morning. "Zaccy seeping" "wake up"
You recognise places when we drive past. "Mall" "zaccy school" "don cath" (ferndale terr) "dada gym". If we drive past Silk Cotton Rd you say "Charlie, Amy, Nicky" (charlie's babysitter). You amaze me!
This morning Anna called after we dropped Zac to school and you said "anna" recognising her voice on the car speakerphone. How you recognise voices baffles me??
We are so proud of you, even though you have mummy-itis which is driving me somewhat crazy ;)
You started playgroup at Aunty Sharon's on April 17th with Ezra and didn't cry when I left you there. You had a hard time adjusting to missing your 9am nap and burst into tears for the first week whenever I arrived to pick you up but now you wave and say 'bye' when I leave in the morning and run smiling to me when I come to pick you up.
You understand so much. You bit a little boy. Mikey, badly on his cheek at school in your second week and I told you biting is bad and you must not bite Mikey. The following morning as we got ready for school you told me "mama no no bite Mikey bad"
My heart breaks for you thinking that we have a baby due next month. You're going to be so jealous. You're already jealous if Zac or daddy hugs me. But always know, my little one, that mummy's love for you will never diminish. You will always be my little girl! Mummy loves you with all her heart.
All my love,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from bmobile.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Zaco has dengue. He came down with roasting fever at 1am on New Year's Day and has been battling it since then. At first I thought... Sun stroke (we were down the islands after all). Fever, headache, vomiting. Made sense. But then it rolled into day 2 and day 3. Decided it must be the awful virus going around.
On Thursday morning he complained of feeling itchy. By Thursday evening he had an awful rash all over his body. And it was spreading fast. Friday morning - visit to Dr. Bratt first thing, blood test confirmed positive for dengue. Curiously, it also confirmed that he'd had it before. I do recall him coming home from Talmas once last year with a rash and fever but it cleared up quickly. We figured it was just a random allergy.
His platelets were at a decent level so Bratt said just watch him and try to control the itching with Alegra, Piriton and Calamine Lotion. Poor boy was going crazy during the night. Midnight found me coating him in calamine again. He seemed to get some relief and fell back asleep eventually.
By 2am he was up with a tummy ache. He groaned and curled up in pain for the rest of the night. Frequent trips to the bathroom. Attempts to sleep. My poor boy.
Sunrise found us curled up on the couch dozing until pain woke him again. Met Dr. Bratt at his office at 11.30am. (Between 9 and 11 he was in agony. I felt useless. "Mummy it hurts. I can't breathe. I don't know what to do." And my only useless response ... "I know baby, I'm sorry. I wish I could take away your pain.")
He threw up at the lab, most likely from the pain killer Bratt gave him via injection. We don't do too well with strong meds.
I'm sitting at the lab waiting for his test results, which they wanted to give me on Monday. "Monday!? The doctor wants them now. Is there anything you can do?" So I'm sitting. Waiting.
And through it all my baby has been such a trooper, and me... I've been useless!
I'm so proud of you Zaco!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from bmobile.